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//-->Patrick S. J. CarmackThe Money ChangersTable of contents:1. THE US FEDERAL RESERVE2. THE MONEY CHANGERS IN JERUSALEM3. MONEY CHANGING IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE4. THE GOLDSMITHS OF MEDIEVAL ENGLAND5. TALLY STICKS6. THE BANK OF ENGLAND7. THE RISE OF THE ROTHSCHILDS8. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION9. THE BANK OF NORTH AMERICA10. THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION11. THE FIRST BANK OF THE UNITED STATES12. NAPOLEON'S RISE TO POWER IN FRANCE13. DEMISE OF THE FIRST BANK OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE WAR OF 1812.14. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO, 1815ABOUT THE AUTOR1. THE US FEDERAL RESERVEThere was a time when to ask someone for whom he worked wasconsidered somewhat insulting, as it implied he was an incompetent,incapable of gainful self-employment. But now, property ownership (netwealth) is not a general feature of our society, as it largely was until theGreat Depression.Rather, net debt and complete dependence on a precarious wage or salaryat the will of others is the general condition. Since the exercise of freedomoften includes using material objects such as books, food, clothing, shelter,arms, transport, etc., the choice and possession of which requires somewealth, we are forced to admit that the general condition of Americans isone of increasing dependence and limitations on freedom.Since the tum of the century, there has occurred throughout the world amajor increase in debt and a major decline inthefreedom of individualsand states to conduct their own affairs. To restore a condition ofwidespread, modest wealth is therefore essential to regaining andpreserving our freedom. Why are we over our heads in debt? Why can'tthe politicians bring debt under control?Why are so many people (often, both parents) working at low-paying,dead-end jobs and still making do with less? What's the future of theAmerican economy and way of life? Are we headed into an economiccrash of unprecedented proportions?Larry Bates was a bank president for eleven years. As a member of theTennessee House of Representatives, he chaired the Committee onBanking and Commerce. He's also a former professor of economics andthe author of the best-selling book, The New Economic Disorder. He hasthis to say about our future prospects:“I can tell you right now that there is going to be a crash of unprecedentedproportions- a crash like we have never seen before in this country. Thegreatest shock of this decade is that more people are about to lose moremoney than at any time before in history, but the second greatest shockwill be the incredible amount of money a relatively small group of peoplewill make at the same time. You see, in periods of economic upheaval, inperiods of economic crisis, wealth is not destroyed-it is merely transferred.Former US presidential candidate Charles Collins is a lawyer and a bankerwho has owned banks and served as a bank director. He believes we'llnever get out of debt because the Federal Reserve the Fed') is in control ofour money. To quote Collins:"Right now, it's perpetuated by the Federal Reserve making us borrow themoney from them, at interest, to pay the interest that's alreadyaccumulated. So, we cannot get out of debt the way we're going now.”Economist Henry Pasquet is a tenured instructor in economics. He agreesthat the end is near for the US economy:“No, not when you are adding roughly a billion dollars a day. We justcan't go on. We had less than one trillion dollars of national debt in 1980;now it's 5 trillion-five times greater in fifteen years. It just doesn't take agenius to realize that this just can't go on forever.”The problem is that the US has one of the worst monetary systems everdevised: a central bank that operates independently of the government,which, with other private banks, creates all of our money with a parallelamount of interest-hearing debt. That's why we can never get out of debt.And that's why a deep Depression is a certainty for most US citizens,whether caused suddenly in a severe economic crash or gradually throughcontinued relentless inflation. The Fed is creating it to enrich its privatestockholders-just as it deliberately created the Great Depression of the1930s. The Federal Reserve headquarters is in Washington, DC. It sits ona very impressive address on Constitution Avenue, right across from theLincoln Memorial. But is it 'Federal'? Is it really part of the United StatesGovernment?Well, what we are about to show you is that there is nothing 'Federal'about the Federal Reserve-and there are no reserves. The name is adeception created before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 tomake Americans think that America's new central bank operates in thepublic interest. The truth is that the Fed is a private (or, at best, quasi-public) hank owned by private national hanks, which are the stockholders,and run for their private profit.As economist Henry Pasquet noted:“That's exactly correct; the Fed is a privately owned, for-profit corporationwhich has no reserves---at least no reserves to back up the Federal Reservenotes which are our common currency.”The Federal Reserve Act was railroaded through a carefully preparedCongressional Conference Committee meeting, scheduled during theunlikely hours of 1.30 am to 4.30 am (when most members were sleeping)on Monday 22 December 1913, at which 20 to 40 substantial differencesin the House and Senate versions were supposedly described, deliberatedupon, debated, reconciled and voted upon in a near-miraculous four-and-a-half to nine minutes per item, at that late hour.At 4.30 am, a prepared report of this Committee was handed to theprinters. Senator Bristow of Kansas, the Republican leader, stated on theCongressional Record that the Conference Committee had met withoutnotifying them, and that Republicans were not present and were given noopportunity either to read or sign the Conference Committee report. TheConference report is normally read on the Senate floor. The Republicansdid not even see the report. Some senators stated on the floor of the Senatethat they had no knowledge of the contents of the Bill.At 6.02 PM on 23 December, when many members had already left theCapital for the Christmas holiday, the very same day that the Bill washurried through the House and Senate, President Woodrow Wilson signedthe Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law.The Act transferred control of the money supply of the United States fromCongress to a private banking elite. It is not surprising that a bill grantinga few national bankers a private money monopoly was passed in such acorrupted manner.As author Anthony C. Sutton noted:"The Federal Reserve System is a legal private monopoly of the moneysupply, operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protectingand promoting the public intent".If there's any doubt whether the Federal Reserve is a part of the USGovernment, check your local telephone book. It's not listed in the'government' blue pages. It is correctly listed in the 'business' white pages,right next to Federal Express, another private company. But more directly,US courts have ruled that the Fed a special form of private corporation.Let's look at the Fed shareholders. According researcher Eric Samuelson,as of November 1997 the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (whichcompletely dominates the other branches through stock ownership, controland influence having the only permanent voting seat on the FederalMarket Committee and handling all open market bond transactions), has19,752,655 shares outstanding and is majority-owned by two banks: ChaseManhattan bank (now merged with Chemical Bank), with 6,389,445shares or 32.35 per cent; and Citibank, NA, with 4,051,851 shares or 20.51per cent. Together those two banks own 10,441,295 shares or 52.86 percent-which is majority control.While majority ownership conclusively demonstrates effective control, itis not critical to control-which is often exercised large, publicly tradedcorporations by blocks of as little as 25 %, when the other owners holdsmall blocks.One of the most outspoken critics of the Fed in Congress w Louis T.Mcfadden (R-PA), the Chairman of the House Banking and CurrencyCommittee during the Great Depression years. In 1932 he said:"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world hasever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board... This evil institution hasimpoverished...the people of the United States...and has practicallybankrupted our government. It has done this through...the corrupt practicesof the moneyed vultures who control it."Senator Barry Goldwater was a frequent critic of the Fed:"Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of theinternational money-lenders... The accounts of the Federal ReserveSystem have never been audited. It operates outside the control ofCongress and manipulates the credit of the United States."What one has to understand is that from the day the Constitution wasadopted, right up to today, the folks who profit from privately ownedcentral hanks like the Fed, or, as President Madison called them, 'theMoney Changers', have fought a running battle for control over who getsto issue America's money. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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