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Many times it's been said, and yet it's relevant to repeat it here: the
world of first person shooters would be incomplete without Nazis.
Coincidentally, Activision's own history of FPS has oft featured
them, and Call of Duty: World at War is their latest anti-Third Reich
gaming experience. With fifteen grueling single-player stages that
will drag you through the Battle of Okinawa, the Nazi-Soviet War,
and a comprehensive mutli-player experience, it brings a lot to the
Fortunately, IGN Guides is here to help you sort the wheat from the
chaff. We'll tell you the best routes, where great weapons await, and
how to find every Death Card without ever having to retrace a step.
It won't be long before you've fought for and won many victories,
unlock everything the Co-Op Mode has to offer, and earn the
privilege of tearing down Nazi Zombies. Yes, that's right -- Nazi
In this Call of Duty: World at War strategy guide, you'll find:
Basic combat tips for new recruits.
Our complete Call of Duty: World at
War walkthrough with strategy for completing every mission.
Info for unlocking all of the game's Death Cards.
A multiplayer tip sheet of strategies to take online.
Quick tips for the game's undead Zombie Mode.
What are you waiting for? You've got a lot to look forward to, and we'll hold your hand to help you find everything. Let's
get started!
Guide by:
Valerie Hilgenfeldt
¨ 2008, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNÓs express permission. You
may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Call of Duty: World at War Combat Training
In the past, Call of Duty opened with a tutorial level. World at War cuts right to the chase, leaving you to figure out
everything yourself. Luckily, you've got us to send some advice your way.
A lot of this applies to the single player
experience, so keep that in mind.
Learning the Essentials
Look, Move, Combat, Interact
These are the four configuration sub-menus, located
under "Controls." If you didn't visit them prior to starting
your game, do so immediately upon starting it. It's
important to spend some time with these menus, and --
following that -- to familiarize yourself with the controls in-
game. Unless you've never played a FPS before, you're
already used to things like primary fire and grenades, so
we'll focus on the features that aren't as common.
In the lower left corner, you have a radar-like
compass. This will tell you where friendlies are, among
other things. You'll see a star-decorated emblem on-
screen, and that's showing you where your next
objective is, which is what you should be headed
Toggle Crouch, Toggle Prone
Since Call of Duty doesn't cater to the run-and-gun types, you should quickly befriend the Crouch and Prone commands.
You can use them in various ways, but the Toggle method is perhaps the most natural. Assign each function to a key
you can easily strike, then test them out in-game. Crouch will lower your profile and let you duck behind cover, while
Prone lowers you further still and lets you crawl quietly. It's also good to go Prone near a great hiding spot when you're
severely wounded, and need time to recover.
Aim Down Sight (ADS)
With Crouch or Prone, you'll set yourself up to dole out the
kills, but your accuracy won't be that great until you use
Aim Down Sight. The best combatants are capable of
using ADS while running around too, and you want to be
the best you can be, don't you? Better start practicing,
then! Use ADS as often as possible, but apply common
sense to the situation, too. As aforementioned, it
increases your accuracy by letting you aim with sights, but
it also slows you down. Thus, there are some situations
where spraying with lower accuracy is better.
Stocking Ammunition
If you're carrying a gun that eats ammo like there's no
tomorrow, you shouldn't wastefully spray its bullets.
Target with your sights whenever possible and kill with
a minimal amount of shots. This will help you hone
your aiming skills, and it'll lead to less frustration.
When it comes to collecting ammunition or obtaining
new guns, never be afraid of backtracking. Your
ives are rarely ti
ed, and guns don't disappear,
even if you've died. Additionally, you should replace
your handgun with a larger gun as soon as possible.
To do this, simply switch weapons, pick up something
fancy, and you're done.
Lean Left and Right
Occasionally, you'll find a spot to hide in, but won't be able
to see your enemies from it. When this happens, it's much
better to lean than it is to simply move away from your
cover. Too many soldiers don't use this functionality, and
everyone should. Be careful, though; a quick sniper can
pop your skull if you lean out for too long. As in ADS, don't
be afraid to use this, but do so with discretion.
One more tip: reload your gun before you search for
more bullets. If your gun isn't fully loaded but your
reserve capacity is maxed, you won't be able to pick
up more. However, as soon as you reload, you'll be
able to replenish your stock.
Throwing Enemy Grenades
When they realize where you're hiding, your enemies might lob a grenade into your area. If it lands close by, you may
have an opportunity to pick it up and throw it back. This requires lightning-quick reflexes, but can be incredibly useful. It
basically grants you the destructive power of an extra grenade for free, and also saves your bacon. If you can't get the
timing down, there's only one other option: run for cover!
Melee Attack
If your aggressive foes don't have any grenades, they may try to run into your hidey-hole and blow your face off. When
they're up close and personal, you can use a Melee Attack against them and conserve your bullets. In situations like
these, it's kill or be killed, so this is another function you should be plenty familiar with.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Call of Duty: World at War Walkthrough
Walkthrough Index
Semper Fi
part 1
Little Resistance
part 1
Hard Landing
part 1
part 2
part 1
Their Land, Their Blood
part 1
Burn 'em Out
part 1
part 1
part 2
Blood & Iron
part 1
Ring of Steel
part 1
part 2
part 1
Black Cats
part 1
Blowtorch & Corkscrew
part 1
part 2
Breaking Point
part 1
part 2
Heart of the Reich
part 1
part 1
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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Semper Fi
1 Secure the Village
2 Regroup With Second Squad
3 Rescue Second Squad
4 Proceed to Extraction Point
5 Plant Charges in Ammo Bunker with Roebuck
PART 1: Secure the Village
When you're reunited with your compatriots, you'll be handed a pistol, but there are some other weapons nearby. Turn
right and examine the crates, then pick something up. It won't take long before they go charging ahead, so start to follow
them. Along the way, you'll pass another hut (directly northwest of the one you were found in) that has a Type 100 and a
Death Card inside. At the very least, collect the latter, then exit. Find cover, then use the Crouch and/or Prone
commands to make your presence less obvious.
You'll be heading south-southwest along the coast. This trip is a good primer in sticking close to walls and using cover. If
you test out everything--crouching, going prone, leaning left and right--you can make it through here with minimal
damage. Most of this walkthrough will assume you've a grasp on these functions, as they're essential to efficient
gameplay. If you strictly run and gun, you'll have a much harder time, so learn these tactics now.
Getting back to your mission, this assignment follows a pretty linear path. When you reach the first checkpoint, clear out
the enemies ahead and then follow the walkway at your left. Eventually you'll reach a hut, and one of your comrades will
force out the man inside. He leaves the doors open, so walk in there, crouch by the window, and use ADS to take out
the enemies outside. When you're done, leave the hut and continue forward (north). Walk over fallen enemies along the
way to pick up extra ammunition.
PART 2: Regroup With Second Squad
You're now running into the wilderness. You'll be ambushed shortly after your climb starts, so be ready for that. Proceed
forward over the hill, and you'll see a firefight.
PART 3: Rescue Second Squad
The second squad has been spotted and ambushed, so you'll need to take out the enemies. Find a good spot to crouch
on the hilltop and fire on them from there. Within a few minutes, the path should be clear. Walk down to the water and
start heading northwest.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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PART 4: Proceed to Extraction Point
Shortly after you reach the next checkpoint, you'll be temporarily blinded and ambushed. You can take cover in the small
hut but an enemy soldier will eventually try to occupy it, so be careful. Eliminate the soldiers coming in through the
woods, then keep going north-northwest, fighting all along the way.
PART 5: Plant Charges in Ammo Bunker with Roebuck
When you come upon a truck, they'll tell you to punch a hole in its gas tank. Walk up to its rear and hit Use to make this
happen. It'll be sent rolling into the extraction point, and tons of enemies will emerge. Walk up to the fence, take cover,
and eliminate all of the soldiers.
Once the coast is clear, walk into the fenced-in area and head left, and you'll descend into the bunker. Kill the single
soldier within, walk up to the charges, and press Use to activate them. Exit and face off against another wave of foes,
Little Resistance
1 Call in a Rocket Strike on the Tree Line
2 Push Through the Japanese Defenses
3 Gain Entrance to the Japanese Bunker
4 Eliminate Japanese in and Around the Mortar Pit & Call in Rocket Strike on Japanese Tanks (2 of 2)
5 Regroup With Your Squad
PART 1: Call in a Rocket Strike on the Tree Line
As prompted, press your Equipment button, aim for the shoreline, and depress your primary fire button. When you've
successfully called in the strike, you'll see a small, green beam of light radiating from the ground. Shortly thereafter, the
bombs will drop.
PART 2: Push Through the Japanese Defenses
Run south-southeast toward the beach, then make your way through the charred field. One of your companions will use
his Flamethrower to burn a bunker with a foe inside. Afterward, you'll move up and come upon a another bunch of
soldiers, and one of them will be hiding snugly in a bunker (to the south-southeast). To eliminate the threat of his
machine gun, call in another bombing on him. While you're waiting for it, select a new gun or two from the bunker wall,
dispatch as many foes as possible, then get up and run east.
¨ 2008 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
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