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Cannabis Yields
Cannabis Yields
and Dosage
and Dosage
A Guide to the Production and Use of Medical Marijuana
A Guide to the Production and Use of Medical Marijuana
— Chris Conrad —
— Chris Conrad —
Safe Access Now • Court-qualified cannabis expert
Safe Access Now • Court-qualified cannabis expert
Cannabis Yields and Dosage
Page i
Part I: The science
Federal Medical Marijuana
Page 1
History and usage
Effect on the body
Systemic effect, symptomatic relief
Daily therapeutic dosages
Usable medical marijuana and conversions
Federal cannabis yield study
Garden adversity and how it affects yields
Indoor and outdoor gardens
Measuring canopy to estimate yield potential
Part II: State of the law
Federal laws and rulings
California voter initiative Prop 215 and rulings
Senate Bill 420 basics of California statutory law
Patients, caregivers, cities and counties
Coops and collectives
Legal proceedings and challenges
Part III: The Safe Harbor
Safe Access Now sample guidelines ordinance
Part IV: Appendices
Medical marijuana laws outside of California
California statutory laws
Resources and reference material
About the author
More quotes
Back cover
 Cannabis Yields and Dosage
A Guide to the Production and Use of Medical Marijuana
Chris Conrad
Court-qualified cannabis expert
Director, Safe Access Now
PO Box 1716, El Cerrito CA 94530 • www.safeaccessnow.net
© 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Chris Conrad. All rights reserved. Third updated edition.
A common understanding of cannabis could prevent
needless arrests and prosecutions, free up law
enforcement to focus on serious crime, and save
California’s communities millions of dollars. This book-
let explains the basics of medical marijuana. Part I
gives scientific facts about its uses, dosage and yields.
Part II explains the legal setting. Part III offers a model
Safe Access Now
ordinance for guidelines, and Part IV
gives details of several States’ laws. It also includes
references and websites for the reader’s use.
The United States government has garnered some
very useful research during its decades of experience
in producing and providing medical marijuana. Its com-
passionate IND program has demonstrated that about
six pounds of cannabis per year is a safe and effective
dosage to alleviate chronic health problems, and also
how to estimate garden yields. Ironically, federal law
denies medical marijuana as a defense in court.
State law is a separate jurisdiction, however, and a lab-
oratory for medical and legal reforms. Since California
voters passed Proposition 215, the 1996 law giving
qualified people a legal right to cultivate and possess
cannabis for medicine, courts have grappled with an
issue left unresolved by the ballot mandate: How much
medical marijuana is a reasonable supply?
In 2003, Senate Bill 420 sought to reduce arrests and
provide better access by creating a voluntary ID card
program, adding new legal protections for collective
activities and distribution, and carving out a minimal
safe harbor from arrest for qualified people. The
amount protected is inadequate for many —
ounces of dried mature processed flowers of
female cannabis plant or the plant conversion plus
six mature or 12 immature plants per patient
However, it also empowers doctors, cities, counties
and the courts to protect greater amounts. Case law
reiterates that those amounts are “a threshold, not a
ceiling” and preserves the Prop 215 right to a reason-
able supply of cannabis.
It is safest for patients and caregivers to stay within
those quantities. Unfortunately, this is not always pos-
sible or practical. California patients with chronic ill
health and safe access to high quality cannabis strains
often smoke three pounds or more of “sinsemilla bud”
per patient year, amid a broad range of dosages.
Patients who eat cannabis or ingest it in other forms
require several times as much raw material as the
smoked dosage. Outdoor and indoor growers cultivate
with very different garden techniques ranging from a
few large plants to scores of much smaller plants.
Data in the federal Drug Enforcement Administration’s
Cannabis Yields
provides a scientific method that lets
patients grow indoors or out in any format they wish,
yet makes it easy to gauge the output.
Safe Access
proposes a compromise based on half the IND
dosage plus a proportionate canopy area. That
equates to a safe harbor per qualified patient of up to
three pounds of bud and as many plants as fit within
100 square feet of garden canopy. Be they large or
small, if the plants cumulative canopy covers less than
that area, the garden is a reasonable size.
This system is simple, yet it works. It eliminates the
need to train police to assess complicated medical
needs, calculate yields, distinguish male plants from
female or immature from mature flowering, determine
what part of a crop is usable, or understand consump-
tion, processing or storage. Counting plants is never
required. To check compliance, all an officer needs is a
scale and tape measure.
This booklet shows how and why those safe harbor
guidelines can and should be expanded by localities,
doctors, and by the legislature. You can help advance
this process. Whether a patient, physician, policy
maker, prosecutor, police officer, or concerned citizen,
please take a stand for the principles of reason, com-
passion and the rule of law.
Special thanks to doctors Michael Alcalay MD, David
Bearman MD, Philip Denney MD, Jeffrey Hergenrather
MD, Claudia Jensen MD, Frank Lucido MD, Tod
Mikuriya MD, Ethan Russo MD, and other physicians
for review of medical issues; to Eric Sterling and attor-
neys Joe Elford, Omar Figueroa, William Logan, David
Nick, Robert Raich and others for review of legal
issues; and to Dr. Michael Baldwin, Andrew Glazier,
Richard Muller, my wife Mikki Norris, SAN co-founder
Ralph Sherrow, DrugSense, MPP, NORML and others
for their help in researching, preparing and publishing
this document. For more information on what you can
do to help, visit these websites: safeaccessnow.net
and chrisconrad.com. Thank you.
Chris Conrad, Court-qualified cannabis expert
: This booklet is not a substitute for medical care or
legal counsel. It cannot list every law or court decision, but care
has been taken to select and characterize key cases. This
information is current as of August, 2007. Laws and rulings
cited are subject to change or reinterpretation at any time.
Page i •
Cannabis Yields and Dosage
Part I: The science
Federal medical marijuana
Cannabis: Legally grown and
provided in daily smoked dosages
Marijuana (
Cannabis sativa
) is a treatment for pain and
other symptoms of many diseases; its medical use
goes back some 5,000 years. Sometimes cannabis can
halt the development of a condition. It is medicine with
a safe and effective dosage demonstrated by United
States government research. The National Institute on
Drug Abuse provides by prescription a standard dose of
smoked cannabis to patients in the Compassionate
Investigational New Drug (IND) program. This is about
two ounces per week — a half-pound per month —
mailed in canisters of 300 pre-rolled cigarettes con-
sumed at a rate of 10 or more per day.
“Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of
the safest therapeutically active substances
known to man.”
— DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young
Docket No. 86-22. 1988.
This six-inch diameter canister held 254.89 grams, about nine
ounces, of federal medical marijuana for an IND patient. This
is a typical monthly supply mailed from the federal cannabis
research garden in Oxford, Mississippi.
the annual dose comes to between 5.6 and 7.23
pounds of cannabis. The documented federal single
patient dosage averages 8.24 grams per day — that’s
more than 1/4 ounce per day, two ounces per week or
6.63 pounds smoked per year.
This long-term dosage has proven to be safe and effec-
tive, with no unacceptable side effects. As seen below
in Table 1, from the
Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics
Table 1: Chronic cannabis IND* patient demographics
* The Investigational New Drug (IND) program is overseen by National Institute on Drug Abuse: NIDA
Age /
INDApproval /
Daily Cannabis /
Current Status
Gender Condition
Cannabis Usage
8 grams (0.28 oz)
Disabled operator / singer /
25 years
activist / vision stable
7 grams (0.25 oz)
Disabled laborer /
27 years
factotum / ambulatory
9 grams (0.32 oz)
Full time stockbroker /
26 years
disabled sailor / ambulatory
Cartilaginous Exostoses
9 grams (0.32 oz)
Disabled clothier / visual
11 years
impairment / ambulatory aids
Source: Russo, Mathre, Byrne, Velin, Bach, Sanchez-Ramos and Kirlin.
Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics
, Vol. 2(1) 2002. p. 9
Cannabis Yields and Dosage
• Page 1
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